Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Chair Project- Day 6

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Subway (no seat), school (3 chairs there), subway home, study at desk, dinner on couch, study in bed.

How many different chairs: 7
New chairs: 3
Total times seated among those chairs: 7
Approximate number of hours seated: 12
Sleep: 8

1 comment:

  1. Hey! So I was thinking about all that sedentary time, and wouldn't it be great if there were a skechers Shape-up type thing for sitting. Like sit, and still get fit. Yeah, and there is! People apparently do this. They sit on those big blow-up balls. You have to have a good posture and balance to not roll off. So yeah, helps back, and abs. You could try it out for your desk chair, then come back to Cali all ripped and ready for playing at the beach with me!
