Monday, September 28, 2009

Day #12: What's your type?

Tick it here today as a reminder at drunken parties:
  • dumb blonde
  • clever brunette
  • wild redhead
  • lesbian
  • nag
  • cold fish
  • Beefcake
  • Mr. Nice Guy
  • Loaded
  • Married with Kids
  • Sleazeball
  • Handsome prince
In regards to men, I checked none of these boxes because the semantics is all wrong. For example, while I enjoy a tanned six-pack and shoulders that won't quit, I don't want to peg myself as the girl who's into "beefcake." That sounds dirty. And even though I hope that my date will pick up the tab at some restaurant like...I don't know...Chez Panisse (?), I'm not specifically looking for anyone with a $6 mil trust fund...$4 mil will do.

However, I feel like I definitely fit into the "clever brunette" classification for women because A) I have dark hair, and B) I can be quite witty at times. Case in point, this blog. Therefore, because you're reading it, you can tick me as your type. ;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day #11: Introduce Yourself to Someone New

"Introduce yourself to someone you've never met and spark a conversation."

Do you routinely go somewhere and before you even get there you know you're going to run into someone who you entirely dislike? And yet you still continue going there? I'm a victim. I regularly work out at a gym in Sacramento, but between the hours of about 8am and 2pm on weekdays, I walk through the doors preparing myself for the uppity voice of the hugest bitch in the metropolitan area. She's always been vaguely familiar, even the first day I came across her, but I think it's because she somehow infiltrated my nightmares.

What's weird is that she's ALWAYS so friendly with my mom, even when I'm standing right next to her, yet she turns to me and gives me the dirtiest looks. I've determined that she's just an ageist like every other bitter old person with a wasted youth. Once, I came into the gym at an early 7am and because she isn't usually in that early, I hadn't prepped myself for her hostility before walking in. On this particular morning, I had also left my card at home (lucky me) so when I got in, not only was I fumbling around half asleep, but I was stunned at the sight of her wrinkly, frowning face. After asking for my card, I kind of mumbled and stuttered something non-sensical and she laughed at me! Not a kind, you're-hella-asleep-and-it's-cute giggle, but a full-on scoff, like one of those "Chh" air expulsions. And then just rolls her eyes, turns her back, and shoos me away! So much for customer service...

Anyway, after sleeping the entire ride back from Berkeley today in a pancake food coma, I determined to head to the gym around noon, in other words, peak scary lady time. When I got there, surprise(!) I had forgotten my card again. She asked my last name and looked for my card, and when I said my first name, she was like, "I know, Stephanie. I remember you well." After not finding my card, she had me sign the necessary form and as I set the pen down, she winked and said, "I let you use my special pen." I laughed (not sniggered) because I had finally been introduced to my mortal gym enemy-turned ally and got to use a pretty writing instrument, which us writers always appreciate.

Ultimately, I didn't really "spark" any conversation, but judging by our past showdowns, I think it counts.

Day #10: Check out Noah

I'm supposed to check out this guy named Noah's blog on, but apparently Noah is make-believe because so is this website. Stephanie- 1; Noah- 0.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day #9: Do Something Before Breakfast

"Do something before breakfast today."

Since my breakfast consisted of coffee, which according to experts, doesn't even count as a meal, I squeezed in a fair amount of activities prior to noon-time food. However, only a couple are of note.

I succeeding in immediately making my mother mad. Actually, she was upset from the night before. Apparently a cousin who was at the BBQ needed to borrow our Yukon to transport some family members and their luggage to an international flight out of San Francisco. All pretty standard, hypothetically simple plans...Except that in my state of cheapness and poverty, I had refused to put in more than the $10 I had already spent on gas for that SUV hog over the weekend, so I had driven in back into the driveway with the fuel gauge literally reading below empty. I feel bad now because, in the end, it wasn't actually the parents who had to coast on fumes to the nearest gas station; it was a cousin. OOPS, my bad! Pre-breakfast drama.

Amidst the revitalizing fumes of coffee, I also updated my portfolio AND studied for the GRE. Some would say these important stepping stones in one's career advancement and grad school preparation should be approached with a full stomach and a brain untainted by the buzz of caffeine, but I say, "Damn you, breakfast! All you're good for is lethargy and lactose!"

Day #8: Addiction-Free Day

"Your body is a temple. Cut out addictive substances and habits for the day and see how much purer you feel."

The second I woke up, I failed this assignment. I fell prey to my very worst addiction: cuddling. Not only was I clutching my stuffed Pink Kitty up under my chin, but I was also playing big spoon to my tattooed twin, Cathee. Normally, she takes on the big spoon position, but sometimes you have to shake things up a bit.

I'm not one to half-ass things. If you've woken up a failure, continue on the path of doom. It's like waking up and indulging in half a pack of cigarettes and a tall stack of Ihop's all downhill from there. So I wasted about an hour and a half watching Spongebob Squarepants while Cathee slept off her stupor. However, I barely had time to change when we were abducted by an SUV full of friends on the pretense of brunch. One young man kindly gave up his seat and instead nestled himself in the trunk, and we were off like a Mexican mini-van. After arguing at warp speed all the way downtown about the myriad of restaurant choices awaiting us, we decided on Streets of London because it seemed one of the few places that A) had a TV for football, B) had strong drinks, and C) wouldn't frown at the hair I hadn't combed in 48 hours. And so the day meant to remain free of addictive substances continued with Screwdriver shooters and very odd Bloody Marys that were made with Guinness (I can promise I will NEVER become addicted to those).

We relocated to Sweetwater, a cleaner, yuppier establishment, where another young man in our group proceeded to order Prison Sex. Shot glass 2/3 full with Crown Royal, topped with Butterscotch liqueur, chased with another shot of Coca-Cola. Just like prison sex, it hurt in the end. We chased 3 rounds of these with addictive California Benedicts and French toast (wisely split between Cathee and myself).

Smart addicts are clever enough to stop ingesting at least 2 hours before they must go to work. Which is exactly what I did. Made it home by means of a sober driver, drank about a gallon of water, a can of another addictive substance, Coca-Cola, and sped off to work.

Nothing particularly addictive there other than the annoying power trips everyone experiences in customer service. Five hours later...

Headed home to participate in what I thought was the tail-end of a family BBQ. If you know anything of my family, this BBQ was not a place to avoid addicting substances. There were German pretzels and sauerkraut, dark beers and tequila shots, gossip and ridicule (i.e. the major family food groups). I escaped with my life to crawl into bed at midnight, hours before the laughing and hollering ceased in my backyard.

Operation: FAIL

Day #7: Masturbation

Obviously, I have a little catching up to do. This weekend left me little respite as you will soon discover. I had barely enough time to shave my armpits, much less respond to Saturday's instructions:

"Masturbate at 13:56 to the following fantasy:


Dark storm clouds were gathering over the Alpine mountain top as Emma finally reached the refuge. Where were the others? Where was her husband Edward? Perhaps they had fallen behind and taken the safe track back toward St-Paul-des-Clercs and civilization, she wondered. Well there was no point in panicking now. Night was falling fast, and she would have to spend it up here all alone at the mercy of these peaks. Exhausted, she entered the deserted cabin and barely had time to strip off her drenched clothes and slip into the thermal sleeping bag that Edward had thoughtfully given her for their sixth anniversary, before a deep slumber overtook her naked body.

As even the moon retreated from the inhospitable horizon, strange and fitful dreams came upon her. She tossed and turned in the night, her feverish brow victim to wild imaginings, full of visions of werewolf-like creatures creeping around the cabin, circling, surrounding her with deep-breathing low whistles that seemed to hiss and crackle like FIRE?!!! Emma opened her eyes and shrieked in the empty night. There, across the room, stood the tall, dark stranger. She held her breath in terror as he looked up from the fire he had lit in the wide hearth and stared at her inscrutably. His eyes seemed to contain worlds beyond her ken.

“Who – who are you? What do you want?” she cried. The man made no reply, but simply tossed another log onto the fire with barely a flicker of his powerful deep-veined forearm. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes. Emma’s voice was trembling.

“Look, now, I don’t know what is going on but…”

He silenced her with a look from his piercing green eyes that seemed to cut right through her. Before she even realized what she was doing, Emma raced through the door in a mad dash for freedom, through the door and out into a thick curtain of rain lashing down over her exposed skin. He caught up with her easily, his strong arms grabbing her by the waist and hauling her back into the cabin. She writhed desperately in his grip until she could no more. He held her still, stared into her eyes and finally spoke in halting English, in the manner of one who seemed above words.

“Don’t. It is too dangerous out there for you. You are safe here with me.”

And somehow she knew that this was so.

The fire dispensed a warm glow to the room. Before she had even recovered from the onslaught of the elements, she was trapped in an embrace as power as any of Nature’s Furies. As the storm raged on outside, she stared into the infinite depth of his eyes. And then he was upon her, touching her deep within, roughly of course but with infinite tenderness. Suddenly lightning struck a tree nearby, while its thunder covered her animal moans. He held her tight for what seemed an eternity, until the first light of dawn broke the enchanting spell the mountain Gods had woven around them. And he was gone, as swiftly as he had come. Was it but a dream? Emma wondered wistfully, as she drifted off back to sleep smiling, her brow no longer troubled.


Two blondes. Doing it. Together."

Now having never read a romance novel, yet pretty much intimating that the gist runs very closely along the lines of consensual rape, the aforementioned female fantasy seems pretty tyical. Yet, how can I follow the recipe when the ingredients reek? I refuse to partake in this fantasy on the principle of authorship. These few paragraphs were essentially copy/pasted out of a book that only sexually frustrated, involuntarily celibate saps would ever consider reading. It is beneath me. I'm a bodice-ripper snob and proud of it.

On the other hand, if I were remotely interested in blondes...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day #6: My Novel

"Today write the opening sentence of your debut novel."

Not an easy feat, my friends. None of the classic novels have a boring first sentence. The first sentence is like the journalist's lede; that's right, not lead. Although journalists are hard-pressed to fit the entire summary of the succeeding story into this first sentence, novelists have all the wiggle room in the world. However, like the lede, it must draw the reader in. Therefore, every novelist's first thought must be, "Now, how do I incorporate sex into my debut sentence," even if he or she might be writing a book about the shelf life of applesauce.

So that's the first step: what will the novel be about? Additionally, who are the main characters? What is the setting? These are the most important queries for a novelist. Luckily, I'm about to answer them in regards to my sooner-or-later-to-be-best-selling-novel.

I wrote a short story back in a creative writing class at Cal called "The Honey Collector." (ADDENDUM: I reserve the right to sue anyone who attempts to steal my idea.) It followed a truck driver across the country as he discreetly smuggled small amounts of honey out of each shipment in preparation for the extinction of honey bees. It was his plan for becoming rich via the old-fashioned method of the American monopoly. Since receiving an A on this story (come on, are you surprised?), I've tweaked the character into a woman trucker who refuses to drive on freeways, preferring the precariously winding highways like CA-Hwy 1. Obviously it's a comedy (think Tom Robbins and David Sedaris). I haven't worked out many more of the details being a little preoccupied with post-grad survival and all, but according to the following debut sentence, feel free to scrutinize the validity of my future masterpiece:

"Orla appreciated sampling the edible components of animal excrement."

Don't be grossed out. Unless you didn't already know, honey is regurgitated bee puke. Oh, and eggs come from chicken butts. Sweet dreams!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day #5: Mass Social Experiment Continued

(See below entry for prequel)

Wet hair wrapped in a towel, feet sore with fresh blisters, makeup sloshing down my sweaty face. Yep, you can bet I jogged just a short while ago. And in short, the Mass Social Experiment was a success...but for whom?

I sauntered (because if you've noticed, that's how people walk at the gym) into the cardio room with the magazine clutched to my chest. I scoped out the options. There was a free treadmill toward the back of the room on which I hopped (something else fit people are known to do) and pressed the magazine to the digital control panel. But oh no! I sighed as I realized the machine was OUT OF ORDER! Shucks.

**insert evil snicker here**

I moved on to another machine a couple spots down and commenced my workout. At about mile 2.27, two young men began their search for neighboring machines, and soon they came upon the two free treadmills to my left. They prepared to hop on, when they spotted the sign denoting inoperability. They moved on...

After I finished my 3 miles (it may sound easy, but like I said, mascara dripping down to my collarbone), I stretched and lifted some light weights, and returned to the cardio room to check up on the "broken treadmill." A woman had mounted it! She had just pressed START!! She even had the guts to get the mph up to about 1.5 before her survival instinct got the better of her and she backed off. That's right, Xena Warrior Princess, heed the caution signs.


Day #5: Mass Social Experiment

Assignment: "Cut out and stick this sign on any item of public infrastructure you might encounter today, including, but not limited to: elevators, garbage trucks, cranes, phone booths, toilets, ventilation units, escalators, entrances to subway stations. The aim is to achieve comprehensive social breakdown across the U.S."

I LOVE THIS ONE!! I was too asleep on my morning errands to remember to bring this sign with me. So far I've been to the bank, but I'm pretty sure it's probably a misdemeanor or something to tamper with an ATM machine. Plus they keep those things better guarded than the governor's mansion. I could have posted it somewhere at Starbucks had I remembered the sign, but where? On a can of whipped cream? No one in East Sac who is in a Starbucks at 9:45am even requests whip cream, am I right, snobby housewives? I heard 9 out of 10 people behind me frantically screaming, "Hold the whip!!" before they even got to the front, as if they didn't trust themselves or their pathetic self-control.

However, I will be going to the gym at 5:30pm, which is smack dab in the middle of commuter workout period. The 9-to-5ers in neighboring office buildings barely have time to strip off their ties and peel off their pantyhose in their rush to squeeze in a workout before dinnertime. Isn't the gym supposed to release the tension accumulated throughout the workday? It's as if these people haven't had enough stimulation, and their workouts are as twitchy and tense as a constipated news anchor.

I'm planning an ambush. When I get to the gym around this time, I'm usually lucky enough to find the last cardio machine somwhere, kind of like the perfect parking space. Others behind me are not so fortunate. In this type of climate, would it be entirely wrong to use the "Out Of Order" sign? It will be a challenge, I'm not denying it. I usually bring a magazine, in the pages of which I could hide the sign, discreetly slipping it onto the precious stationary bicycle or treadmill for which everyone is waiting. Is it too satanic? Conniving? Would it give me a giggle? A pang of guilt? A VIP seat in hell? Stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day #4 World Coloring-In Day

The authors somehow fit a map of the entire world onto one page of this 7 inch tall book, leaving me to squint at the names of various unrecognizable countries in this world of ours. Funny how little 9th grade geography one recalls.

The assignment: "Today, work out your globetrotting plans for the rest of your time on earth, and get on the phone with a travel agent (the State Dept. current discourages travel to the following countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe, and North Yemen). Fill in country to country by color. Green = been there done that. Blue = intend to go there this year. Yellow = intend to go there sometime before I die. Red = Happy never to set foot there in my whole life."

I wish you all could see my pathetic excuse for a map. It looks like it has a bad case of jaundice with all the yellow countries scribbled in. Here's the breakdown:

US: duh
Canada: road trip with mom, aunt, and grandma in the midst of hormonal 11th grade bitchiness. Not pleasant.
Mexico: Who in CA hasn't been at least to Baja?
Spain: lived there abroad. They like blondes, which I happened to be at the time.
Portugal: One of the friendliest countries I've ever been to.
France: One of the unfriendliest countries I've ever been to.
Italy: I could do chores on the men here (fry an egg on their hot bodies and wash clothes on their abs).
Germany: They like meat, I don't eat it. Also, threw up Jager in my parents' bed here.
Austria: Drove through the Alps and said wat up to Arnold.

Nothing. I have every desire, but none of the cash money to jet off anywhere before grad school. Although it would be very romantic...

Here goes...
Alaska: not a country, but Sarah Palin thinks being governor here makes her qualified enough to run ours.
Argentina: most beautiful accents in the world.
Chile: skiing.
Costa Rica
Cuba: just to piss of the US.
Iceland: Bjork is from there! They always produce interesting folk it seems. Not any one type.
Ireland: land of the ancestors
Sweden: land of the ancestors
Netherlands: Amsterdam isn't necessarily just for stoners.
Morocco: I do have a bracelet from there for which my dad overpaid.
S. Africa
India: thanks for all the souvenirs, Dev.
China: although one has to be more specific, I suppose.
South Korea: to visit Yoonki, my personality twin...except he's a conservative gold-digger.
Thailand: if I ever need a cheap kidney or an STD.
Bali: again not a country, but probably the only place in Indonesia I would go.
Australia: still considering running away from home to live there.
New Zealand

(all probably self-explanatory)
N. Korea
Ukraine: not really sure why on this one...

These are the countries of the world I have already dominated, those that should be warned of my imminent arrival, and still more that never have to worry about seeing my infamous mug, unless it's to kiss my ass. Just kidding, I'm as neutral as Switzerland (oops, forgot that one!).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day #3: Throw Away Something That You Like

What I really need to do is throw away about 200 things that I like. My room looks like it was raped by a monsoon and then pillaged by modern pirates. I try to avoid letting my mother anywhere near this "wing" of the house because she just doesn't understand. Most artists and creative minds thrive in their version of a pigsty!! I am no different. I don't pretend that my mess is in any way unique. I'm sure there's a girl out there somewhere with My Little Ponies and coconut bras flung haphazardly about her crib...the opperative word being crib.

No wonder people move out of their parents house and leave their rooms exactly the same as high school. It's not like in the movies where they become all teary-eyed and sentimental to see that their mother has left the Hanson poster in the same spot on the wall. No, no. In real life we HAVE to leave our rooms because we don't know what to do with half the shit we've accumulated over the years. The thousands of dollars spent on crap that we somehow deem "precious" isn't easily tossed out. But something tells us that a collection of mardi gras beads wouldn't match our trendy loft in Lower Pac Heights.

Which brings me to today's assignment. Although it would probabaly bode well if I got rid of something littering the floor that I know, sooner or later, I will actually have to un-clutter, the whole point of it being strewn so strategically is that I may need it in the near future. Converse that I wear to work, a volleyball blanket that I take on the occasional picnic, and crutches...that I haven't used in 4 months...are all necessary items that need to be within arm's length in case of a hasty emergency.

However, the more permanent fixtures stocked in the bookshelves or hanging in the closet or packed away in the armoir will be more challenging to remove, and therefore, life-changing. We all know giving away clothes, and dare I even think it, shoes, is NOT an option. And the protective ski helmet wedged in the armoir has saved my life many times. So what? What to throw out?

I look over to my left at the wall decoration: framed Steve Miller Band album cover, My Little Pony and Obama Hope posters, but to my right, something sparkly catches my eye. I'm face-to-face with the "photograph" of Josh Hartnett, specially ordered online for its shiny finish and striking handsomeness. Oh, how many naughty, hormonal high school dreams I had while laying below my ceiling, papered with pictures of Josh. I even brought him to college where friends and dates teased me mercilessly for my crush. Over the years, as my preferences changed, the posters and clippings were tossed, but I could never bring myself to crumple this specific mail-order Josh. It graces and complements my wall to this day. But I know now that I have to do it. It has to go.

Before I rip it to shreds, I have to ask: is anyone willing to adopt it to a new home? Like the time your parents told you they sent Spot off to a wide-open farm in the country, when really they put him to sleep, would anyone like to humor me and send Josh to a better wall? ...I'll throw in a pack of gum too....?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day #2: The Love of Your Life

"Today, gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever...Act in consequence."

This was either the best possible day to scout out future soul mates, or the worst coincidence...ever.

I began the day groggy and half-asleep after my father called at 9am to cajole me into going to the gym with him around 10:30. Apparently my brain was releasing excessive amounts of dopamine because I agreed, muttering a silent vow to wake up again by 10:25 in order to get ready. After dragging my ass onto the treadmill and plugging in the earbuds to watch Obama's Labor Day speech on CNN, I finally began today's task on the track to change my life. Yes, if I must, I will marry Barak Obama and spend the rest of my life nibbling his oversized ears. What a girl does in the name of her country...

However, the assignment called for an all-day, dedicated analysis of men (and women?) worthy enough to cohabitate with me for eternity. And today was my lucky day...yes, Labor Day sees the last of the California State Fair. I had promised my aunt that I would accompany her to countless county exhibits. (I feel that the more time I spend with her, the less she will hound me about reproducing so that she might play with great-nieces and nephews.)

In between mechanically dancing apples and gold-blazoned horseshoes in the Napa and Modoc County exhibits, I "gazed" at a number of prospective candidates. Those of you fortunate enough to have spent any amount of time in Sacramento know nothing of our city until you have visited the state fair. Actually, strike that. Go back and visit the first sterotype you heard about Cow Town, low-class, borderline hokey Sacramento and that's exactly what you get at the State Fair. You can imagine how many hunks I came across. But then there were the carnies...

So basically no soulmates at the fair, unless you count a man whose new take on the mullet is sure to grace the pages of Vogue in the coming months as "trashy-chic."

Later, Rachel and I raced to Mikuni's only to find that our incompetent waitress couldn't muster up an oyster for our beloved oyster shooters. Shit, if she can't assemble a decent drink, she's not soul mate material. After orgasming many times over our James sushi rolls (at $16 a pop, they cost more than a Greyhound bus station hooker), we wandered to a frozen yogurt shop where I fell in love...Stomach already bursting from seaweed/sake heaven, this man proceeded to overload my senses by giving us each THREE samples of fro-yo. He then proceeded to offer us a taste of each of about 15 flavors of mochi. Not being a mochi fan myself, I let Rach ingest while I literally melted over my newest crush. This man was serving me food with a smile on his face and conceding to my every whim. Apparently all it takes to fall in love is compliments, persuasion, and ...dessert.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day #1

So, inspired by the recently release movie Julie & Julia, in which a 20-something young woman decides to, day by day, tackle Julia Child's French cookbook recipes, I would like to engage in something similar with a publication called This Book Will Change Your Life. Apparently, for every day, the book assigns the reader to do something he or she normally wouldn't think of doing. Like one day, the book instructs you to throw away something important or meaningful; it could be a Barbie or a magnet or a clump of hair from your first boyfriend, whatever. Another day the person is told to cut out this red sign in the book that says "Out of Order," tape it somewhere interesting an observe what happens.

Not trying to be narcissistic by expecting that any of you will actually tune in, but I consider myself a mildly decent articulator and I think you might be entertained, or provoked, at the very least. I will try and post something every day so that, if you choose, you can follow along and hopefully someone will catch on to my genius idea and want to publish my observations in 45 languages spanning all 7 continents.

Dreaming big,

P.S. All of you need to get blogs too because they're fun and, let's face it, some of you are bored at work with little other stimulation than the occasional flatulence that can be heard from 6 cubes away.

OK so day ONE of This Book Will Change Your Life. The instructions for today read:
"As this is your first day, you should warm up with an easy task that will only change your life a little bit. Choose one of the following options:

1. Do one press-up. (Don't know what that is)
2. Perform a private.
3. Triple-tie your shoelaces. (It's summer so I didn't wear any shoes with laces today)
4. Learn to play Chopsticks on the piano. (Already know how)
5. Increase your typing speed by 3 words per minute.
6. Jaywalk in a pedestrian zone. (Did that already...$130 pedestrian violation ticket later...)
7. Set all your clocks to exactly the right time. (Who can tell, especially when POPCORN is now disconnected?)
8. Whisper a white lie when no one's listening. (What's the point?)
9. Fantasize about your partner.
10. Use a different thickness comb. (Haven't combed my hair in 6 days so maybe that's a good one)
11. Say 'yo' instead of 'hello.'
12. Hold the phone up to your other ear.
13. Tell someone your middle name. (How do you work that into a conversation?)
14. Try a new sandwich filling.
15. Leave work 5 minutes early. (I already left 25 minutes late)
16. Bookmark a new website.
17. Give your genitalia pet names.
18. Decide which of your toes is the prettiest.
19. Insult an insect. (I can't find one! I live with a neat-freak mother)
20. Go on a one-minute hunger strike.

I've decided to overcomensate and to perform a few of these small life changes because I can accomplish them just by sitting here. My feet hurt too much after work to get up and make a larger effort.

5. Increased my typing speed from a) retyping all of the crap above and b) still feeling like I'm tweaking on crack from a super hectic day at work.
8. "No, of course I didn't notice the upper lip sweat combining with pizza flour to form a paste that resembles the afteraffects of a facial."
9. I come home to find a trail of Chex Mix leading to the bedroom where my man is waiting with wasabi paste and a large pillow of foam bubbles. I love, you, Ryan Reynolds.
18. The index toe on my right foot. It's very tan and curvy in just the right places.

There, now you try!