Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day #11: Introduce Yourself to Someone New

"Introduce yourself to someone you've never met and spark a conversation."

Do you routinely go somewhere and before you even get there you know you're going to run into someone who you entirely dislike? And yet you still continue going there? I'm a victim. I regularly work out at a gym in Sacramento, but between the hours of about 8am and 2pm on weekdays, I walk through the doors preparing myself for the uppity voice of the hugest bitch in the metropolitan area. She's always been vaguely familiar, even the first day I came across her, but I think it's because she somehow infiltrated my nightmares.

What's weird is that she's ALWAYS so friendly with my mom, even when I'm standing right next to her, yet she turns to me and gives me the dirtiest looks. I've determined that she's just an ageist like every other bitter old person with a wasted youth. Once, I came into the gym at an early 7am and because she isn't usually in that early, I hadn't prepped myself for her hostility before walking in. On this particular morning, I had also left my card at home (lucky me) so when I got in, not only was I fumbling around half asleep, but I was stunned at the sight of her wrinkly, frowning face. After asking for my card, I kind of mumbled and stuttered something non-sensical and she laughed at me! Not a kind, you're-hella-asleep-and-it's-cute giggle, but a full-on scoff, like one of those "Chh" air expulsions. And then just rolls her eyes, turns her back, and shoos me away! So much for customer service...

Anyway, after sleeping the entire ride back from Berkeley today in a pancake food coma, I determined to head to the gym around noon, in other words, peak scary lady time. When I got there, surprise(!) I had forgotten my card again. She asked my last name and looked for my card, and when I said my first name, she was like, "I know, Stephanie. I remember you well." After not finding my card, she had me sign the necessary form and as I set the pen down, she winked and said, "I let you use my special pen." I laughed (not sniggered) because I had finally been introduced to my mortal gym enemy-turned ally and got to use a pretty writing instrument, which us writers always appreciate.

Ultimately, I didn't really "spark" any conversation, but judging by our past showdowns, I think it counts.

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