Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day #5: Mass Social Experiment Continued

(See below entry for prequel)

Wet hair wrapped in a towel, feet sore with fresh blisters, makeup sloshing down my sweaty face. Yep, you can bet I jogged just a short while ago. And in short, the Mass Social Experiment was a success...but for whom?

I sauntered (because if you've noticed, that's how people walk at the gym) into the cardio room with the magazine clutched to my chest. I scoped out the options. There was a free treadmill toward the back of the room on which I hopped (something else fit people are known to do) and pressed the magazine to the digital control panel. But oh no! I sighed as I realized the machine was OUT OF ORDER! Shucks.

**insert evil snicker here**

I moved on to another machine a couple spots down and commenced my workout. At about mile 2.27, two young men began their search for neighboring machines, and soon they came upon the two free treadmills to my left. They prepared to hop on, when they spotted the sign denoting inoperability. They moved on...

After I finished my 3 miles (it may sound easy, but like I said, mascara dripping down to my collarbone), I stretched and lifted some light weights, and returned to the cardio room to check up on the "broken treadmill." A woman had mounted it! She had just pressed START!! She even had the guts to get the mph up to about 1.5 before her survival instinct got the better of her and she backed off. That's right, Xena Warrior Princess, heed the caution signs.



  1. I can't believe you had the guts to do this! Did you feel triumphant, or guilty?

  2. It put a smile on my face and anything that can do that is worth it :D
